The small board improves the aerodynamics in this area by diverting a small portion of the approaching airflow outwards , cleaning up the main central airflow , hence making it more effective in the way it passes it under the car and the way in which it cools the engine 这个小侧板可以将一小部分附近的气流导向外侧,使中心气流更加稳定,从而改善了这一区域的空气动力学,因此让气流通过赛车底部时更加有效,为引擎散热的效率更高。
中心: centre; centrum; centrality; ...气流: air current; airflow; wind c ...中心气流过大: chimneying中心气象局: central meteorological bureau中心气象台: central meteorological observatory中心气旋: central cyclone中心气压: central barometric reading; central pressure中心气质: central disposition上海中心气象台: shanghai central meteorological observatory台风中心气压指数: central pressure index; cpl气象中心气象中心气象预报中心: forecast center心气: 1.(用心) motive; intention2.(心情) frame of mind; state of mind3.(志气) ambition; aspiration气象中心气象预报中心: forecast center中心煤气流: central gas stream心气盛: sthenia of heart-energy心气实: sthenia of cardiac qi心气虚: deficiency of heart-energy气流: 1.[气象学] air current; airflow; wind current; airstream2.[语言学] breath◇气流纺纱 open-end spinning; break spinning; 气流纺纱机 open-end spinning frame; 气流干扰 interference in air flow; 气流畸变 flow distortion; 气流计 airometer; anemometer心气不固,心气不收: dissipation of cardiac qi补心气法: cardioqi-nourishing technique补益心气: reinforce functional activities of the heart; reinforcefunctionalactivitiesoftheheart离心气洗机: centrifugal gas washer暖心气旋: warm-core cyclone偏心气举阀: eccentric gas lift valve少年心气: smells like teen spirit