中尉: first lieutenant; lieutenant ...被: quilt委任: appoint; nominate指挥: command; direct; conduct一个: one; a; an步兵: infantry infantryman; riflem ...排: arrange; put in order指挥一个战役: director conductor第五个步兵: the fifth musketeer被任命,被委任: atanmak被委任者: designees担任指挥: assume command候任指挥官: commander-designate常任指挥;驻团指挥: resident conductor被委任为治安官: be sworn of the peace被指定者,被委任者: appointee被委任的代表, 授权代理人: accredited representative好象受了神棒的指挥一样: as if touched with a wand最后的一个步骤是什么: what is the final stebefore a bill becomes a law中尉: [军事] first lieutenant (美陆、空军); lieutenant junior grade (美海军); lieutenant (英陆军); sublieutenant (英海军); flying officer (英空军)尖兵排: advance platoon民兵排: militiaman platoon委任: appoint; nominate 委任某人担任某职 appoint sb. to an office; 委任的委员 nominated member; 委任书 letter of appointment; certificate of appointment; 委任证书[状] certificate of appointment产生一个步骤测试数据所需要的时间: test rate步兵: 1.(兵种) infantry2.(士兵) infantryman; rifleman; foot soldier