中央: centre; middle结算: settle accounts; close an ac ...系统: system参与者: participator户口: number of households and tot ...中央结算系统参与者: stock pledgee participantccass participantss托管商参与者【中央结算系统参与者: custodian participant【ccass participants】中央结算系统参与者及指定银行名录: ccass participant & designated bank list中央结算系统: central clearing and settlement system (ccass)中央结算系统互联网系统: ccass internet system债务工具中央结算系统: central money market units; central moneymarkets unit中央结算系统保证基金: ccass guarantee fund中央结算系统登记册: ccass register中央结算系统证券存管处: cca depository; ccass depository对方之中央结算参与者号码: hkscc id of counter party对方之中央结算参与者名称: hkscc name of counter party; name of counter party关于中央结算参与者的对方联络人: contact person of counter party中央结算参与者的对方联络电话: counter party contact number中央结算参与者的对方联络人传真号码: counter party fax no; counter party fax number查询交收指示未获配对原因【中央结算系统: enquire unmatched si reason【ccass】直接纳入中央结算系统的新股: direct stock admissionccasss; direct stock admission【ccass只适用于中央结算系统交收: ccass only中央结算系统强制证券借贷服务: compulsory stock borrowing and lending service in ccass结算参与者: clearing participant中央结算所: central clearing house