中国: China; Sino-青年: youth; young people中国青年报: china youth daily中国青年党: chinese youth party; young china party中国青年节: chinese youth day may中国青年之声: chinese youth voice月4日中国青年节: chinese youth day中国青年出版社: china youth publishing house中国青年交响乐团: china youth symphony orchestra中国青年救国团: china youth corps中国青年理事会: chinese youth council中国青年旅行社: china youth travel service中国青年文工团: chinese youth art ensemble中国青年研究会: china youth research society中国青年艺术剧院: chinese youth art theater中国青年艺术团: chinese youth art troupe激发中国青年的雄心壮志: fuel the ambitions of chinese youths中国青年创业国际计划: ybc; youth business china中国青年创业协会总会: china youth career development association中国青年国际创业计划: ybc中国青年私营企业家协会: china association of young private enterpreneurs救国青年: jeunesse de sauvetage; salvation youth日本中国友好协会全国青年委员会: national youth committee of the japan china friendship association; national youth committee of the japan-china friendship association; national youth committee of the japan_china friendship association中国青旅: yts中国青基会: cydf中国青海国际经济技术合作公司: china qinghai international economic and technological co operation co; china qinghai international economic and technological co-operation co