中国: China; Sino-的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...含义: meaning; implication; sense; ...句子的含义: the semantic content of a sentence类似”的含义: f -y相关”的含义: f -ary营销的含义: chapterwhatbmarketing中的含义: lbo所代表的含义: crystal palce真正的含义是: pull one's leg告诉我孤独的含义: show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我迷人的含义: telling me about the implication of being charming-making beauty供应链管理的含义: definition of supply-chain基于质量的含义: q-based implicature劳动力市场的含义: the labor market context确定某词的含义: determine the meaning of a word/what a word means天使 的含义,还不错哦: angle--西方人姓名的含义: the meaning of western names制成或生产的含义: f - en中国的: chinese; maotai; sinic; sinitic; sino航行通告代码的含义: the signification of notam code来吧,告诉我全部的含义: come show me the meaning of complete那篇文章的含义很深: the article implies profound meaning在短语中的含义异常丰富: inin中国画的含意: the significance of chinese paintings