中国: China; Sino-电影: film; movie; motion picture梦: dream中国电影: cinema of china中国电影周: china screen中国电影报导: china movie report中国电影报道: chinamoviereport中国电影公司: china motion picture studio中国电影频道: cmc电影梦工厂: the movies我的电影梦: as i dream about movies中国电影博物馆: china national film museum; chinese movie museum中国电影出版社: china film press中国电影发展史: history of chinese film中国电影华表奖: china movie awards中国电影家协会: china film association中国电影来势汹汹: the rise of chinese cinema中国电影评论学会: china film critics society; china film review society荷索的电影梦: burden of dreams中国电影的英文译名: farewell my concubine中国电影电视记者协会: china tv and film reporters association中国电影发行放映公司: china film distribution and exhibition corporation中国电影发行放映协会: chinese film circulation and projection association中国电影放映发行公司: film exhibition and distribution corporation of china中国电影合作制片公司: china cooperative film production company