中国: China; Sino-林: forest; woods; grove副: assistant特产: special local product; speci ...中国林大: ch grand forest中国林蛙: asiatic grass frog; chinese wood-frog; hasma; rana temporaria chensinensis david; siberian frog中国林学会: china forest society; chinese society of forestry中国特产: special product of china; special products of china中国林化学会: chinese society of forest chemical products and engineering中国林业经济: china forestry business蛙科动物中国林蛙: rana temporaria chensinensis david中国林木种子公司: china national tree seed corp中国林业出版社: chinese forestry publishing house中国林业坏协会: china forestry machinery society中国林业机械协会: china forestry machinery society中国林业经济学会: china forestry economics society中国土特产公司: china product & special production co国林: guo lin特产: special local product; speciality; native 中国特产 special products of china中国林业国际合作公司: china international forestry corp中国林业科学研究院: china acadeny of university; chinese research institute of forestry中国林产工业工程咨询公司: china engineering consulting corp. of forest products industry中国林业坏总公司泰州林业坏厂: china national forestry machine corp. taizhou forestry machine works中国林业机械总公司泰州林业机械厂: china national forestry machine corp. taizhou forestry machine works林副产品: forest by-product