中国: China; Sino-历史: history; past records年代: the 1970s中国历史年表: timeline of chinese history美国历史年表: timeline of united states history中国历史: chinese history; history of china在中国历史上: in chinese history中国历史丛书: the chinese history series中国历史地理: chinese historical geography中国历史纲要: a concise outline of chinese history中国历史名将: exe( 615,k)中国历史图说: a pictorial general history of china中国历史学会: socity of chinese history中国历史学家: chinese historians中国历史研究: chinese studies in history(九)中国历代纪元简表: chronological table of chinese history中国历史 (中文教学): chinese history中国历史博物馆: national museum of china; national museum of chinese history中国历史地理论丛: journal of chinese historical geography中国历史上的佛教: buddhisminchinesehistory中国历史文化概述: introduction to chinese history and culture中国历史文化名镇: historic towns of china地史年代表: chronologic scale历史年表: list of timelines历史年谱: synchronism