Yuan kou , ph . d . ( 1990 , cas ) , research fellow ( 1986 - 1988 , aots ) , post - doc ( 1993 - 94 , ucsd ) , visiting professor ( 1997 , kyoto university ) , deputy director of osso state key lab , cas ( 1991 - 1997 ) , now is a professor of chemistry , peking university , member of national committee for catalysis , member of national committee for petro - chemicals , project leader , member of 7 - experts committee , 973 project ( energy resources / environmental ) , associate editor of chinese journal of catalysis 寇元,理学博士( 1990 ) ,日本aots进修生( 1986 - 1988 ) ,美国ucsd博士后( 1993 - 1994 ) ,日本京都大学高访教授( 1997 ) ,原中国科学院osso国家重点实验室专职副主任( 1991 - 1997 ) ,现任北京大学教授,博士生导师,中国化学会催化专业委员会委员,中国化工学会石油化工专业委员会委员, 973多个项目的专家组成员,多家国内学术期刊编委, 《催化学报》副主编,长期从事温室气体催化转化和纳米簇结构及复制研究,提出表面配位化学/担载催化剂无定形理论等。
中国: China; Sino-化工: chemical industry; chemical ...学会: learn; master中国化工报: china chemical industry news中国化工网: ccn中国化工报导: china chemical reporter中国化工装备: china chemical industry equipment中国化学学会: chinese chemical society中国化工信息中心: china national chemical information center; cncic中国兵工学会: china ordnance society中国轻工学会: chinese society of light industry中国化工产品进出口公司: china national chemical products import & export corporation; china national chemical products import &export corporation中国化工建设总公司: china national chemical construction corporation中国化工进出口公司: china national chemicals import and export corporation; sinochem中国化工进出口总公司: china national chemicals import & export corp; china national chemicals import and export corporation; sinochem中国化工进口总公司: china national chemicals import & export corporation; china national chemicals import &export corporation中国化工装备总公司: cnce中国化工咨询服务公司: china national chemical consulting & service co中国化: chinization; sinicization; sinicize韩国化工企: www.ube-ind.co.jp中国化工产品进出口总公司: china national chemicals import & export corporation美国化学会: acs; american chemical society化工学实验: experiments in chemical engineering化工学士: bachelor of chemical engineering化工学校: chemical engineering school