中国: China; Sino-军力: military strength中国军力报告: chinese military power中国军队: people's liberation army中国军方: plaa中国军魂: flash中国军舰: naval ships of china中国军人: chinese soldiers中国军事: military of china中国军事史: military history of china中国军舰列表: ships of the people's liberation army navy中国军事人物: chinese military personnel中国军事书店: chinese military bookstore中国军用标准: gjb中国军用手表: military watches中国军装女兵: women soldiers中国军事博物馆: military museum of the chinese people's revolution中国军事法学会: military law society of china中国军事科学学会: china society of military sciences中国军图幻灯图片: slides show国军: national revolutionary army抗日战争时期的中国军队: chinese armies in the second sino-japanese war中国军控与裁军协会: china arms control and disarmament association中国军事未来研究会: chinese society of military future studies寻找罗伯特和中国军人与之对抗: confront robert quest and chinese soldiers