All - china federation of industry and commerce 中华全国工商联合会
All china federation of industry and commerce 中华全国工商联合会
Moreover , the city has been praised by the united nations as one of the global top 500 cities in environment protection and it has also been named " model city in environmental protection in china " . dalian is also a national model city for e - commerce 本届房交会和建材展由中国房地产业协会中国室内装饰协会中华全国工商联合会五金商会中国家具协会等四个“国”字头协会做主办单位,并参与组织领导,领衔招展。
中华: China全国: nationwide; countrywide; the ...工商联: association of industry and ...合: ge,a unit of dry measure for ...会: compute中华全国工商业联合会(全国工商联): acfic all china federation of industry and commerce中华全国工商联: all-china federation of industry and commerce中华全国工商业联合会: all china national industry and commerce a ociation; all china national industry and commerce association; all-china federation of industry and commerce; china national industry & commerce union全国工商联: national association of industry and commerce工商联合会: commercial and industrial association; joint chamber of commerce and industry中华全国妇女联合会: acwf; allchina women's federation; all-chinawomen’s federation中华全国归国华侨联合会: all china federation of returned overseas chinese; all-china federation of returned overseas chinese; allchina federation of returned overseas chinese中华全国集邮联合会: acpe; all-china philatelic federation中华全国青年联合会: all china youth federation; all-china federation of youth; allchina youth federation中华全国世界语联合会: all china esperanto league; allchina esperanto league中华全国学生联合会: all-china students' federation; all-china students’ federation全国工商业工人联合会: national union of commercial and industrial workers市工商联合会: handan municipal federation of industry and commerce中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联): all-china women's federation中华全国归国华侨联合会(全国侨联): all-china federation of returned overseas chinese中华全国青年联合会(全国青联): all-china federation of youth; youth俄罗斯工商联合会: russia federation of chamber of commerce and industry菲律宾工商联合会: philippines chamber of industry and commerce美中工商联合会: us-china industry & commerce association尼泊尔工商联合会: federation of nepalese chambers of commerce and industries