

  • zdl
  • :    hit; fit exactly
  • d:     CD = 400. DC = 600.
  • :    unite; join
  • :    Ⅰ动词(联结; 联合) unite; join 关联 be connected; be related; 三联单 triplicate formⅡ名词(对联) antithetical couplet 挽联 elegiac couplet; scroll of condolence; 春联 new year [spring festival] couplets
  • :    中动词1.(正对上; 恰好合上) hit; fit exactly 打中 hit the target [mark]; 射中靶心 hit the bull's eye; 中吃 good to eat; tasty; 中听 agreeable to the ear; (words, advice) pleasing to listener; 你没猜中。 you didn't guess right. 你说中了。 you've hit it.; that's right.2.(受到; 遭受) be hit by; fall into; be affected by; suffer; sustain 中诡计 be caught in a trap; 中埋伏 fall into an ambush; 中煤气 be gassed; 胳膊上中了一枪 be shot in the arm


        :    hit; fit exactly
        d:     CD = 400. DC = 600.
        :    unite; join
        :    Ⅰ动词(联结; 联合) unite; join 关联 be connected; be related; 三联单 triplicate formⅡ名词(对联) antithetical couplet 挽联 elegiac couplet; scroll of condolence; 春联 new year [spring festival] couplets
        :    中动词1.(正对上; 恰好合上) hit; fit exactly 打中 hit the target [mark]; 射中靶心 hit the bull's eye; 中吃 good to eat; tasty; 中听 agreeable to the ear; (words, advice) pleasing to listener; 你没猜中。 you didn't guess right. 你说中了。 you've hit it.; that's right.2.(受到; 遭受) be hit by; fall into; be affected by; suffer; sustain 中诡计 be caught in a trap; 中埋伏 fall into an ambush; 中煤气 be gassed; 胳膊上中了一枪 be shot in the arm
        fc联:    f.c. united of manchester
        联…酰:    di...(o)yl; di...yl
        电压串(联)反馈:    voltage series feedback
        分子交-联:    molecular cross-linking
        工 会 联 盟:    etuc
        联 机 服 务:    on-line system
        联 机 工 件:    on-line mode
        联,接,结,系:    nect, nex = to bind
        连, 联, 合, 共:    syn-
        业 联 会:    fepaius
        (中)空柱:    void column
        楚河 (中):    chu river
        红包(中):    red paper containing money as a gift
        红旗(中):    red flag
        金 (中):    golden week (china)
        天狗 (中):    tiangou
        椅子“中:    what is the english for
        正在…中:    in course of
        正中,中:    medianum
        中 (球):    center (basketball)


  1. "中(性)线,塔线"英文
  2. "中,高热镀锌光辉连续炉"英文
  3. "中,正中,中间"英文
  4. "中-外胚层发育不良综合征"英文
  5. "中==革命委员会(民革)"英文
  6. "中、长距离比赛"英文
  7. "中、高热镀涔廨"英文
  8. "中、小型集约化养猪场兽医防疫工作规程"英文
  9. "中、众"英文
  10. "中……的意"英文


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