个人: individual; personal背景: background; backdrop; settin ...相似: resemble; be similar; be ali ...个人背景: personal background个人背景特征: demographic characteristics销售和专业背景相符: compound abilities in selling skills & academic background; compound abilities in selling skills &academic background一个人背两个人的债: flash mtv难以区别的[极相似的]两个人[物]。: tweedledum and tweedledee全景相机: panoramic camera全景相片: panoramic picture相似: 1.(相像) resemble; be similar; be alike 和 ... 略微相似 be slightly similar to ...; 和 ... 有点相似 be somewhat alike to ...; 相似的情况 similar cases; 面貌相似 look alike; 何其相似乃尔? what a striking similarity! 他们的性格很相似。 they are much alike in character.2.(相像处; 类似物) similarity; similitude; analogue 他看各种文化之间的相似点比看其相异点更为透彻。 he has a better eye for similarities among cultures than for diversities.; 相似形 [数学] similar figures 群体成员背景和价值观的相似性: homogeneity of members' social background and ideology背景: (布景; 衬托主体事物的景物; 对人物、事件起作用的历史条件或现实环境) background; backdrop; setting 历史背景 historical background; historical setting; 时代背景 background characteristic of times; 舞台背景 stage background; 英语学习背景 cultural background for english study 持票人背书: endorsement to bearer对某人背信: break faith with sb来人背书: endorsement to bearer猎人背甲: i00b; i00s; i00t名人背书: celebrity endorsements人背复位: back-carrying reduction; back-carying reduction在某人背后: behind one's back轮转式全景相机: cyclograph个人: individualpersonal让某人背黑锅: no.to give somebody the bag to hold相似;相似的: equiform相似;相似物: resemblance