From the viewpoint of property rights , there include private ownership , collective ownership and commune ownership 其中,股份有限公司的制度效率最高,个人业主制的制度效率最低。
In part iii , by the analyses of american enterprises evolve from individual owner enterprise partner ship enterprise to stock company . use this for reference , redound to the resolve of chinese private enterprise property right " s problem 第三部分通过对美国企业由个人业主制、合伙制企业向股份制企业成功转变的经验分析,对我国私营企业的产权关系问题的解决提供一定的借鉴作用。
The legal characteristics of listed companies are discussed by analyzing the inner structure and outer market environment of them , comparing the advantages and disadvantages between listed companies and classic enterprises , such as sole proprietorships and partnerships ; listed companies and other modem enterprises , such as limited companies and non - listed stock companies . listed companies are a type of dynamic and unstable enterprises . they are enterprises whose equity are highly securitized and marketed from the point of view of organization ; they have legally become the trading object from the point of view of market , which discloses the other side of listed companies , a type of capital exiting by the form of enterprises 从上市公司的起源出发,分析上市公司产生、发展的社会根源,分析上市公司的内部组织结构和外部市场环境,比较上市公司与个人业主制、合伙制等古典企业和有限责任公司、非上市股份有限公司等现代企业的特点和优缺点,探讨上市公司的法律特征,认为上市公司是一种动态、不稳定的企业形态,在组织形态上是股权高度证券化、市场化的企业;在市场角度上,上市公司在法律意义上成为证券市场的交易对象,揭示出上市公司的另外一面:作为一种以企业形式存在的资本。
Modem stock company has developed from individual enterprise . with the deviation of the property ownership and management , managers took over the power to control the company , which causes the principle - agency problem . under asymmetries of information and discrete contracting there exist the principle cost and the possibility of moral hazard and adverse choice behaviors 公司制度的演进,从个人业主制公司发展到现代股份公司,出现了财产所有权和控制权的两权分离,从而产生了委托?代理问题,在信息不对称和契约不完全的情况下,存在道德风险和逆向选择行为,作为委托人的经营层就有可能以损害股东利益为代价而追求个人目标,产生代理成本。
个人: individual; personal业主: proprietor interested person ...制: make; manufacture个人业主制企业: proprietorshiindividual单人业主制: single proprietorship个人业主: individual proprietor私人业主, 独资业主: personal proprietor个人业绩承诺: personal business commitment个人业绩计划: individual performance plan个人业务总代理人: personal producing general agent个人业绩管理与测评: individual performance management and measurement业主: owner; proprietor; business entrepreneur; business owner君主制: absolute monarchy; monarchy代理人业务: agentry港主制度: kang chu system君主制度: the monarchy君主制政: absolute monarchy世袭君主制: hereditary monarchy主制导波束: master guide beam主制动触点: main brake contact主制动缸: main braking cylinder主制动轮: centre brake drum主制动时间: main braking time主制动蹄: leading shoe; primary brake shoe; primary shoe个人移动: personal mobility个人移动财产保险: personal property floater