(be thrown out like) disowned dogs [curs]; (like) a homeless cur; as a dog without its master; crestfallen; homeless [stray] dog; miserable and distressed; outcast 短语和例子 惶惶如丧家之犬 as panic-stricken as a stray dog
如丧家之犬: like a dog with the tail between the legs; like a dog without its master
Linden, feeling utterly crushed and degraded, swallowed all that remained of his pride and went like a beaten dog to see the relieving officer . 在面临绝境的情况下,林登也就不能再顾什么面子,只得象一只丧家之犬跑到济贫局去。
A dog will always avoid eye contact when they busted 丧家之犬通常眼都不敢抬
We ' re a pack ofstrays . don ' tyou get it 我们是一群丧家之犬你不明白吗?
如丧家之犬: like a dog with the tail between the legs; like a dog without its master惶惶如丧家之犬: panic stricken as a stray dog家之: ieyuki丧家狗: stray dog安达鲁之犬: an andalusian dog; un chien andalou巴别塔之犬: the dogs of babel半似狼之犬: demiwolf迪崔克之犬: dietrich's dogs地狱之犬: hellhound死亡之犬: the hound of death皇家之: royal专家之: expert's作家之: lesson what every writer wants累累如丧家犬: wretchd as a stray cur成一家之言: create a philosophy of one's own传家之宝: heirloom此兵家之胜: these military devices leading to victory must not be divulged beforehand各家之长: the unique points of various sects国家之福: landets val国家之声: sawt al bilad画家之歌: painter song回家之路: take me ome country roads; way back home回家之旅: travelling home回家之行: 36.the flight home; the flight home丧假: compassionate leave; funeral leave丧尽天良: be utterly devoid of conscience; conscienceless; destroy one's conscience utterly; have no conscience; heartless
丧家之犬的法语:名 chien sans foyer;chien sans maître;chien perdu sans collier惶惶如~fuir pêle-mêle;être affolé comme un chien errant丧家之犬的日语:〈成〉飼い主をなくしたイヌ.寄る辺のない人のたとえ.また志を得ずに落ちぶれた人のたとえ.喪家[そうか]の狗[いぬ]. 惶惶 huánghuáng 如丧家之犬/野良イヌのように落ち着くところがないさま.丧家之犬的韩语:【성어】 상갓집의 개; 의지할 곳 없는 불쌍한 신세. 뜻을 얻지 못해 떠도는 사람. 惶惶如丧家之犬; 당황하는 것이 마치 상갓집 개 같다 =[丧家狗] [丧家之狗]丧家之犬的俄语:pinyin:sàngjiāzhīquǎn бездомный (паршивый) пёс丧家之犬什么意思:sàng jiā zhī quǎn 【解释】无家可归的狗。比喻无处投奔,到处乱窜的人。 【出处】《史记·孔子世家》:“东门有人,其颡似尧,其项类皋陶,其肩类子产,然自要以下不及禹三寸,累累若丧家之狗。” 【示例】敌人溃不成军,惶惶如~。 【拼音码】sjzq 【灯谜面】戾 【用法】偏正式;作宾语;含贬义 【英文】be homeless dog