丧失: lose; forfeit; be deprived o ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...该丧失的: forfeitable丧失的利益: benefit forgone丧失的权利: forfeited right营养丧失的: nutrient-deprived丧失的放射源: lost radiation source记忆丧失的男子: tykho moon不因实效而丧失的权利: imprescriptible right; imprescriptibleright功能性听力丧失的检查: tests for functional hearing loss所丧失的利益(消极损害): lucrum cessatum; lucrumce atum恢复被告因执行原告而丧失的财物令: writ of restitution丧失: lose; forfeit; be deprived of 丧失会员资格 forfeit one's membership; 丧失记忆 lose memory; 丧失立场 depart from the correct stand; 丧失国格 lose one's national dignity; 丧失人格 lose one's personal dignity; 丧失人心 forfeit popular support; thoroughly discredited among the people; become unpopular; lose all popular support; 丧失原则 depart from principle; forfeit [lose] principle; 丧失警惕 lower one's guard; be off one's guard; 丧失劳动力 disability; 丧失理智 lose one's nerve; 丧失时机 miss the opportunity [chance]; let slip a good opportunity; 丧失信心 lose confidence; 丧失信用 play the bankrupt; 这件意外事故使他丧失了生命。 the accident deprived him of his life丢失的;遗失的: lost冒失的: harum-scarum; immodest; obtrusive; presumptuous失的书: my father will not arrive in tianjin until next week损失的: losing; lost; out of service; sacrificial消失的: disappeared; dissolving; gone; obsolescent; obsolete遗失的: lost; missing易失的: losable; volatile走失的: lost wandering away from home丧失,失去: out of丧失,牺牲: at the cost of失去,丧失: lose使丧失: bereave of; deprive vt