

发音:   用"两用人才"造句
  • dual-purpose personnel


  1. Another question is training people for both military and civilian jobs , which is also in the general interest


        军地两用人才:    people competent for both military and civilian services
        两用人材:    dual purpose personnel
        发现人才,使用人才:    discover and employ qualified personnel
        发现人才使用人才:    discover and employ qualified personnel
        合理使用人才:    put the talents of all trained personnel to rational use
        追寻人才-跟我学领导用人:    pdf 348
        水陆两用人员输运车:    amphibian personnel carrier
        用人:    [旧时用语] servant 女用人 maidservant
        人才:    1.(德才兼备的人) a person of ability; a talented person [people; personnel]; talent; qualified personnel; people with special skills; competent people; human talents 人才的发现、选拔和培养 discovery, selection and training of bright people; 科技人才 qualified scientists and technicians; 难得的人才 a person of extraordinary ability; 为国家培养人才 train qualified people to meet the needs of the country2.(美丽端庄的相貌) handsome appearance 一表人才 a man of striking appearance; 人才链 chain of talented persons; 人才市场 talent market; 人才学 talent studies; 人才研究 studies of talent; 人才制度 talented person system; 人才资源 resources of human talents
        两用:    dual purpose◇两用车 convertible car; 两用车胎 mopeds; 两用电动机 dual-purpose motor; 两用发射机 dual transmitter; 两用反应堆 [核物理] dual-purpose reactor; 两用飞机导弹 dual-purpose aerial missile; 两用航空火箭 dual-purpose rocket; 两用炉 dual-purpose stove; 两用钳 gripping tongs; 两用人材 dual-purpose personnel; a military-civilian man; 两用沙发 convertible couch; 两用衫 reversible jacket; 两用雨衣 reversible raincoat; 两用帐户 two-way account
        借用人:    borrower
        女用人:    skivvy
        使用人:    end user; recipient; user
        占用人:    occupier
        租用人:    charterer; lessee
        出人才:    turn out talents
        人才,才干:    talent
        人才库:    human resources bank; icax; talent bank a unit or locale with a concentration of talented people brain bank; talent bank; a unit or locale with a concentration of talented people; brain bank
        人才链:    chain of talented persons
        人才网:    lc-rc
        人才学:    science of personnel; talent studies
        人才战:    competition for talented people
        档位租用人:    stall-holder
        两用润滑油运输车:    double-duty lube truck
        两用沙发:    put-you-up; sit-sleedual sofa
        两用燃烧器:    dual furnace


  1. "两用汽车"英文
  2. "两用钳"英文
  3. "两用钳, 鱼尾钳, 平口钳, 扁钳9鸭嘴钳"英文
  4. "两用燃烧器"英文
  5. "两用人材"英文
  6. "两用润滑油运输车"英文
  7. "两用沙发"英文
  8. "两用沙发床"英文
  9. "两用衫"英文
  10. "两用摄影机"英文


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