两歧: different冠: put on a hat precede with; c ...两歧: [书面语] (不统一) different两歧尖: cuspis bifida两歧乳杆菌: lacbobacillus bifidus两歧桑葚胚: amphimorula两歧桑椹胚: amphimorula两歧性分子: amphipath; amphiphile; amphipnile两歧状态: bifurcation麦秀两歧: (指丰收) on every stick of wheat are growing two ears -- a year of plenty.; an omen of good government and good official两歧放线菌属: actinobifida非黑即白式的绝对论即两歧思维: dichotomus thinking两妻时代: marriage of inconvenience两栖鲵属: amphiumas; congo eels; ditch; lamper两栖鲵科: amphinmas; congo eel