两: two块: piece; lump; chunk的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...块的: clumpy; lumpy吃两块: 191.have two pieces; have two pieces两块田: leung fai tin两块五: two point five海绵两块: two sponges两块蛋糕: two pieces of cake两块肥皂: two cakes of soap两块锂电池: bk-b-04成块的: agglomerate; caked; cloddy; cloggy; clumpy; cobbed; lumped; lumpy大块的: blocky; lumpy; massive单块的: monobloc; monolighic; monolithic独块的: monolithic多块的: clumpy结块的: caked; caking模块的: modular凝块的: grumose; grumous碎块的: kibbled整块的: massive; monolithic; one-piece肿块的: lumpy两块乳脂乾酪: two cream cheeses两块新鲜凤梨: chunks fresh pineapple(酒)加冰块的: on the rocks