两: two只: single; lonely鸟: bird两只鸟栖息在树枝上: two birds are sitting on the branches三只鸟: viewsonic一只鸟: a bird飞象一只鸟: fly like a bird还剩几只鸟: how many birds will be left看见那只鸟: catch sight of the bird我像一只鸟: i’m like a bird两只狗: the two dogs两只鸡: two chickens两只脚: deux pieds两只猫: the kilkenny cats两只手: instrument; two hands两只熊: two bears出两只环变: noratel脚踩两只船: have a foot in both camps"=have an interest in two different parties or sides, without a commitment to either; sit on the fence脚踏两只船: have foot in both camps; serve two masters; sit on two chairs两只大翅膀: two big wings两只大烟枪: lock stock and two smoking barrels; two smoking barrels两只迪奇鸟: two little dicky birds两只耳朵: two ears两只鸽子: two pigeons两只公鸡: the farm-yard cock and the weather-cock; two cocks