Abstract : the water - saving solar hot - water heater is improved . the replacement of the two - position water and vapour valve of the water - saving solar hot - water heater by the two position automatic prot ection valve leads to the transition from hand to automatic protection 文摘:用自动保护双位阀替代节水太阳能热水器的通水输气两位阀,使节水太阳能热水器从手动保护过渡到自动保护,改进了节水太阳能热水器系统
两: two位: place; location阀: established house or power g ...定位阀: normal value; normal valve多位阀: multiposition valve二位阀: two position valve; two-position valve进位阀: carry gate三位阀: three-position valve示位阀: post indicator valve双位阀: on off valve; on-off valve; two-position valve四位阀: four-position valve限位阀: limit ales; limit valves两位茶: tea for two两位和: sum-bit两位数: bit binary digit; double figures低水位阀: low water valve; low-water valve空真二位阀: air-vacuum two way valve强迫就位阀: back-seated valve中间自位阀: self-neutralizing valve定位阀座总成: locating valve seat assembly和数位 两位和: sum-bit两位编码: dibit encoding两位公民: collected poems two citizens两位开关: two-motion switch; two-position switch两位控制: two-stecontrol