两: two半: half分: component两个半: two and a half; two-and-a-half好汉两个半: two and a half men两个半小时: two and half hours互穿两个半结: hawser bend; reeving line bend好汉两个半第1季: two and a half men season 1好汉两个半第2季: two and a half men season 2好汉两个半第4季: two and a half men season 4两个半场的决胜期: two-extra halves两个半球的故事: tales from two hemispheres半分: half point全日工改为两个半日工: job splitting; job-splitting半分接: half tap对半分!: fifty-fifty八个半: eight and a half一个半: one and a half; sesqui-两个: a couple of; bibin; du; twain; two把对半分: hb:v @ hav hav半分化种: semidifferentiated race半分寄存器: halving register半分节驳: semi-integrated barge半分节驳队: semi-integrated barge train半分离的: semi-detached