东帝汶(新域名): tl东帝汶: democratic republic of east timor; democratic republic of timor-leste; imor timur; portuguese timor; timor-leste东帝汶, 第利: dili, timor东帝汶的: east timorese东帝汶国旗: flag of east timor东帝汶警察: timor lorosae police service东帝汶历史: history of east timor东帝汶领土: territory of east timor东帝汶人: east timorese people东帝汶政府: g-rdtl东帝汶总理: prime minister of east timor东帝汶总统: president of east timor东帝汶工作队: task force on east timor东帝汶国防军: east timor defence force东帝汶监狱处: prison service of east timor东帝汶解放军: falintil东帝汶警察署: east timorese police service东帝汶省议会: east timor provincial assembly东帝汶税务局: east timor revenue service东帝汶特派团: unamet东帝汶支助团: unmiset东帝汶(最末参考点): east timor东帝汶边境管制处: border control service of east timor东帝汶大楼警卫处: east timorese building guard service东帝市: sky tuntex tower东帝汶的前印尼武装部队预备役军人: ex-tni reservists from east timor