妇女: woman反对: oppose; be opposed to; objec ...暴力: violence; force保护: protect; defend; guard; safe ...儿童: children协会: association; society; instit ...东帝汶妇女网络: east timor women's network保护儿童免遭暴力侵犯: protect children from violence保护儿童顾问: child protection adviser保护儿童国际: defense for children international保护儿童机关: child protective agency国际儿童协会: association internationale de pediatrie塞维利亚反对暴力声明: seville statement on violence妇女反暴力全国委员会: commission on violence against women国际保护儿童游戏权利协会: international association for the child's rights to play保护儿童大联盟: grand alliance for children保护儿童基金会: children's defense fund保护儿童权利行动: action for the rights of children世界友爱儿童协会: world association of friends for children学习障碍儿童协会: association for children with learning disabilities智力迟钝儿童协会: association for retarded children智力逊常儿童协会: association for educationally sub-normal children东帝汶: democratic republic of east timor; democratic republic of timor-leste; imor timur; portuguese timor; timor-leste东帝汶农林渔业协会: east timorese agricultural forestry and fisheries association保护儿童工商行为守则: business code of conduct for child protection
东帝汶妇女反对暴力保护儿童协会的法语:association des femmes du timor oriental contre la violence et pour la protection des enfants东帝汶妇女反对暴力保护儿童协会的俄语:женщины восточного тимора против насилия и за защиту детей东帝汶妇女反对暴力保护儿童协会的阿拉伯语:رابطة نساء تيمور الشرقية لمناهضة العنف وتعزيز حماية الطفل;