东南: southeast southeast China; t ...地区: area; district; region华东南地区网点: east china(south)向东南地: southeasterly; southeastwards榜格南地区: kampong glam藏南地区: south tibet山南地区: shannan prefecture西南地区: southwest中南地区: south china作为中国东南地区最知名的咨询公司之一: gn resound(denmark), and also other famous companies in their own lines华南地区网点: south china撒哈拉以南地区: sub sahara africa山南地区藏医院: tibetan medicine hospital of shannan prefecture tibet; tibetan medicine hospital of shannan prefecture, tibet南地: nadi; southwardly; southwards非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区: ssa sub-saharan africa机构的华南地区重点合作: wtdp类似,一般在华南地区使用: sps岭南地区有“珠江三角洲”: the pearl river delta是华南地区的南大门: the southern gateway to south china是华南地区的文化中心: the cultural core/center一般在华南地区使用: sps和华南地区的海上丝绸之路: the marine silk route世界银行非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区: afr wb sub saharan africa region西南地区第一个老年地产项目: rar云南地区玫瑰蜜葡萄的栽培技术: viticulture of 'meiguimi' grapevine in yunnan region