Three transact - sql enhancements simplify building message queuing applications in loosely coupled , reliable , internet - scale and business process automation systems 三种transact - sql增强功能简化了在松散耦合的、可靠的、 internet规模的业务流程自动化系统中生成消息队列应用程序的过程。
The technology of workflow is a strong weapon to implement the automatization and reorganization of business processes . applying workflow in enterprise application integration has nice application foreground 工作流技术是实现企业业务流程自动化和经营过程重组的有力武器,将工作流技术用于企业应用集成有着良好的应用前景。
It is based on j2ee 1 . 4 infrastructure and platform services provided by websphere application server . furthermore , websphere process server includes capabilities such as business process automation 由于它基于websphere application server提供的j2ee 1 . 4基础结构和平台服务,因此websphere process server包括诸如业务流程自动化之类的功能。
Because it is based on j2ee 1 . 4 infrastructure and platform services provided by websphere application server v6 , websphere process server includes capabilities such as business process automation 因为它是基于websphere application server v6提供的j2ee 1 . 4基础设施和平台服务的, websphere process server包括诸如业务流程自动化之类的功能。
As the development of computer application and its application in enterprise inforrnatization , the workflow management system ( wfms ) has become the basic platform of collaboration and automation of business flow 随着计算机应用的发展及在企业信息化中的应用,工作流管理系统wfms已经成为支持人们协同工作、实现业务流程自动化的基础平台。
业务: vocational work; professiona ...流程: flow path; the distance of t ...自动化: robotization; automation; au ...工作流程自动化: work flow automation业务流程: business processes; operation flow过程自动化: proce automation; process automation远程自动化: ra remote automation; remote automation服务业务流程: service processing - on-site service; service processing - repairs at plant; service processing - return processing业务流程改进: bpi; business process improvement业务流程工程: business process engineering业务流程管理: business process management业务流程集成: business process integration业务流程建模: business process modeling业务流程模型: business process model业务流程外包: business process outsourcing; offshore bpo业务流程优化: bpo业务流程再造: business process reengineering bpr业务流程重整: bpr; business process reengineering; traffic flow reengineering业务流程重组: bpr business process reengineering; business process reengineering bpr; usine proce reengineering ( r)业务流程主管: business process executive优化业务流程: optimizing business processes无障碍工作流程自动化办公: unlimited work flow办公商务流程前端和后端自动化系统: automate enterprise(业务流程重构) ---- 核心课: business process reengineering改善核心业务流程: the transformation of key business processes