

发音:   用"丘脑前区"造句
  • anterior region of thalamus


  1. It is well know that the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus ( poaii ) is the heat regulating center of homeotherm
    下丘脑视前区和下丘脑前区( poah )为恒温动物的体温调节中枢。
  2. A large number of neurons with nig - li were seen in the anterior olfactory nuclei , accumbens nucleus , septal area , 09600045 , 39970377 , 39570109 ) 9 ventral pallidum , pallidum , caudate putamen , nucleus of the stria terminalis , anterior hypothalamic area , tuber cinereum area , lateral hypothalamic area , perifornical nucleus , supraoptic nucleus , arcuate nucleus , mammillar nuclei , substatia nigra , ventral tegmental area , retrorubral area , superior and inferior colliculus , periaqueductal gray , nucleus of the solitary tract , and superficial layers of the medullary and spinal dorsal horns


        丘脑:    thalamencephalon; thalamus; ...
        前区:    proparea; prozone
        下丘脑前区:    anterior hypothalamic area; anterior hypothalamic region; anterior region of hypothalamus; regio hypothalamica anterior; region hypothalamica anterior
        视前区下丘脑前部:    preoptic anterior hypothalamus,poah
        下丘脑前中部,下丘脑中前区:    medial anterior hypothalamic area
        丘脑前辐射:    anterior thalamic radiations
        丘脑前核:    anterior nuclei of thalamus; anterior nucleus of thalamus; anterior thalamic nuclei; anterior thalamic nucleus; nuclei anteriores thalami; nucleus anterior thalami
        丘脑前核群:    anterior nuclear group of thalamus; anterior thalamic nuclei
        丘脑前脚:    frontal thalamic peduncle
        丘脑前结节:    anterior ganglia of thalamus; anterior thalamic tubercle; anterior tubercle of thalamus; anterior tubercles of thalamus; tuberculum anterius thalami; tuberculum orale thalami
        下丘脑前部:    anterior hypothalamus
        下丘脑前核:    anterior hypothalamic nucleus; anterior hypothalanic nucleus; necleus hypothalamicus anterior; nucleus hypothalamicus anterior
        脊髓丘脑前束:    anterior spinothalamic tract; anteror spinothalamic tract; fasciculi spinothalamicus ventralis; tractus spinothalamicus anterior; tractus spinothalamicus ventralis; ventral spinothalamic tract
        丘脑前背侧核:    anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus; nucleus anterodorsalis thalami
        丘脑前腹侧核:    anterior ventral nucleus of thalamus; anteroventral nucleus of thalamus; nucleus anteroventralis thalami; voi oral ventral nucleus of thalamus
        丘脑前内侧核:    anteromedial nucleus of thalamus; nucleus anteromedialis thalami
        下丘脑视前区:    hypothalamus-preoptic area; preoptic area of hypothalamus; preoptic region of hypothalamus
        丘脑前核切开术:    anterior thalamotomy
        丘脑前外侧综合征:    antero-lateral thalamic syndrome
        丘脑前外侧综合症:    antero-lateral thalamic syndrome
        下丘脑前结节, 灰结节:    tuber anterius hypothalami
        丘脑前腹丘脑神经元:    thalamic neuron
        下丘脑内侧视前区:    medial preoptic area of hypothalamus
        下丘脑视前区前部:    anterior hypothalamic-preoptic
        丘脑:    thalamencephalon; thalamus; thalamus opticus; cerebral ganglion


  1. "丘脑前核切开术"英文
  2. "丘脑前核群"英文
  3. "丘脑前脚"英文
  4. "丘脑前结节"英文
  5. "丘脑前内侧核"英文
  6. "丘脑前外侧综合征"英文
  7. "丘脑前外侧综合症"英文
  8. "丘脑切开术"英文
  9. "丘脑切面"英文
  10. "丘脑乳头体的"英文


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