世纪: 90年代 the nineties of the 20t ...21世纪: 21st century基因的21世纪: exe( 410,k)前21世纪: 21st century bc塑造21世纪: shaping the 21st century: the contribution of development cooperation在21世纪: inthe 21st centary those people ______ old ideas will the times在21世纪初: at the beginning of the 21st century中信21世纪: citic 21cn世纪物业公司: century enterprise21世纪大毁灭: memorial day为了迎接21世纪: it is important to learn computers well in order to welcome the 21st century中国21世纪议程: china's agenda; china’s agenda21世纪的前一天: strange days21世纪的知识组织: knowledge organization in the 21st century21世纪风流奇男子: alfie非洲发展进入21世纪: african development towards the 21st century: the tokyo agenda for action妇女21世纪发展议程: a women's development agenda for the 21st century联合国走向21世纪: united nations: towards the 21st century the随着21世纪的到来: adverse adverse我们生活在21世纪: we are living in the 21st century在21世纪来临前: the board of trustees and senior management世纪回顾与21世纪展望: the rhetoric in china: review of the 20th century and prospect for the 21st century21世纪支票交换法案: check clearing for the 21st century act波罗的海区域21世纪议程: agenda for the baltic sea region世纪30年代英国产生的“口语法”: the oral approach世纪, 百年: century