世界: world; global; earth病理: pathology; pathological mech ...和: mix; blend实验医学: experimental medicine学会: learn; master协会: association; society; instit ...世界病理学会协会: wasp; world association of societies of pathology实验医学学报: journal of experimental medicine临床和实验医学杂志: journal of clinical and experimental medicine世界病理学会联合会: world association of pathology societies; world association of societies of pathology拉丁美洲核生物学和核医学学会协会: latin american association of societies of nuclear biology and medicine世界医学学会: world medical association实验医学: experimental medicine; kiserletes orvostudomany; laboratory medicine英联邦农业科学学会协会: casas; commonwealth association of scientific agricultural societies实验生物学与实验医学会学报: proceedings of the society for experimental biology and medicine实验医学杂志: journal of experimental medicine实验医学专家: laboratory medicine specialist世界病理学基金会: world pathology foundation学会协会: ass association实验医学,临床医学,兽医: experimental, clinical and veterinary medicine实验生物学和医学学会: society for experimental biology and medicine世界兽医学病理学家协会: wavp; world association of veterinary pathologists北里实验医学报: kitasato archives of experimental medicine the; kitasato archives of experimental medicine, the日本实验医学杂志: japanese journal of experimental medicine实验医学研究所: experimental medical institue
世界病理和实验医学学会协会的法语:association mondiale des sociétés de pathologie et de médecine de laboratoire世界病理和实验医学学会协会的俄语:всемирная ассоциация обществ патологии и медицинских лабораторий世界病理和实验医学学会协会的阿拉伯语:الرابطة العالمية لجمعيات علم الأمراض والطب المختبري;