世界: world; global; earth小姐: Miss young lady世界小姐: miss world世界小姐大赛: miss world世界小姐选美比赛: miss universe competition世界小姐选美大赛: miss international beauty pageant组委会: olympic village; organization committee; organizing committee; sloc第54届世界小姐大赛总决赛: the 54 match with big world young lady大会组委会: lkk; organization committee当地组委会: local organization committee(loc)地方组委会: lkk世运组委会: koc组委会主席: organizing committee chairmen划界小组委员会: subcommittee on border demarcation奥运会组委会: ocog组委会工作证: organizing committee member北京奥运组委会: bocog杜哈亚运会组委会: dagoc峰会高级组委会: hlsoc中国组委会办公室: loc office失去的世界小说: the lost world世界环球小姐: miss universe世界旅游小姐: miss tourism of the world世界模特小姐: miss world models北京29届奥运会组委会: the beijing organizing committee for the games of the 29th olympiad