世界: world; global; earth专利: patent索引: index; indexing; key; repert ...专利索引: patent index同族专利索引: patent family index相同专利索引: equivalent index综合专利索引: gpi达文特世界专利: derwent world patent专利索引与专利号对照索引: numberical patent index世界专利药物制造业联合会: world federation of proprietary medicine manufactures专利号索引: patent number index工业发展世界专题讨论会: world symposium on industrial development专利对照索引: patent concordance index专利号码索引: numerical patent index专利权人索引: patentee index专利位置索引: patent allocation index专利引文索引: patent citation index专利号对照索引: patent number concordance专利号码分类索引: patents allocation index世界专业术语国际化基金会: world foundation for the transnationalization of special terminology世界城市索引: list of city listings by country世界地理索引: list of countries; list of sovereign states世界地名索引: list of places by name世界港埠索引: world port index世界政府索引: world index