Special passageway for ambulance , no stay for non - ambulance , thanks for cooperation 救护车专用通道,非救护车请勿停留,谢谢合作!
Bepz has a special cargo way collecting with the airport in 5 minutes drive 北京天竺出口加工区与机场卸货平台有专用通道,从区内到达仅5分钟车程。
A corridor for transporting food , medicine and other humanitarian supplies is expected to open over the weekend 一个用来传送食物、药品和其它人道主义供给的专用通道有望在周末后开通。
Special vvip passage : vvips enjoy the liberty of passing the direct street to the auditorium back and forth on the performance day Vvip专用通道:演出当天,享受特别直达观赏区域的通道,令贵宾来去自如。
Since march 15 , 2007 , card holders have been able to use the specific immigration lanes currently used by diplomats and aircrew for passenger clearance at the major international airports in mexico upon entry 由2007年3月15日起,商务旅游证持有人在墨西哥的主要国际机场入境时,可使用机场内的专用通道(现供外交及机组人员使用)办理入境手续。
专用: special use; for a special p ...通道: thoroughfare; passageway; pa ...部分专用通道: partially dedicated access贵宾专用通道: vionly行人专用通道: pedestrian access only演员专用通道: performers only专用通道, 专用信道: private channel专用通道,专用信道: private channel残疾人专用通道: wheelchair accessible运动员专用通道: athletes only专用通话: personal call专用通信网: private communication network; private network; private wire network; ptn private telecommunication network专用通讯网: private wire network备用通道: redundant channel; spare channel; stand by channel; standby channel常用通道: working gangway占用通道: active channel进程专用通信: process specific communication经济专用通路: economic closed circuit专用通气立管: specific vent stack专用通信号码: ptn private telecommunication number专用通信技术: pct private communications technology专用通信线路: dedicated communication line专用通信信道: private communication channel专用通信业务: dedicated communication service专用通信座席: special communication position