专用: special use; for a special p ...编译: compile; translate and edit数据: data; record; information专用编码: own coding公用编译程序: utility compiler商用编译程序: business compiler; commercial compiler通用编译程序: gecom general compiler; unicom universal compiler专用编号计划: pnprivate numbering plan; private numbering plan pnp专用卡, 专用编程板: personality card通用编译程序器: general compiler演译资料库 [演译数据库: deductive database编译程序用编制程序: compiler generator通用编译器符传可兼容: unicomf数据编译: compile data; data compilation数据编译器: data compiler数据链应用编码: dlac data link applications coding编译程序用编制程序,编译程序的生成程序: compiler generator指导采样队伍收集、编录、分析以及翻译数据: direction of the sampling team in data collection, compilation, analysis and interpretation专用数据: dedicated data; exclusive data; private data专用数据集: dedicated data set; private data set专用数据库: pdb private database; private database专用数据网: pdn private data network; prvdn private data network专用数据栈: dedicated data stack专用数据组: private data set集成数据库应用编程接口: integrated database application programming interface