专用: special use; for a special p ...声纳: sonar; acoustic susceptance ...岸用声纳: shore sonar船用声纳: shipboard sonar渔用声纳: fishery sonar; skippersonar; sonar for fisheries潜水员用声纳: diver held sonar船舶通信用声纳: communication sonar声纳: sonar; acoustic susceptance asdic◇声纳导航 sonar navigation; 声纳定位 radiocoustic position finding用声音: vocally专用: (reserved for) special use; for a special purpose◇专用拨款 special appropriation funds; 专用车床 special purpose lathe; 专用车辆 special-purpose vehicle; 专用电话 telephone for special use; 专用码头 single user wharf; 专用名词表 onomasticon; 专用桥 service bridge; accommodation bridge; 专用设备 rig; special equipment; special hardware; 专用铁路 access railroad; 专用线路 private circuit; individual line使用声明: statement of use无用声音: unwanted sound应用声学: applied acoustics; engineering acoustics; sonics有用声能: useful energy常用声学原理: standard acoustical principle家用声频系统: home audio system应用声学学会: society of applied acoustics有用声音信号: wanted sound signal超声纳: hyper sonic低声纳: infrasonic地声纳: geosonar黑声纳: sonar巨声纳: macrosonics声纳兵: sonarman声纳舱: acoustic sound room