专利权: patent right; patent; monopo ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...放弃: give up; abandon; renounce; ...有专利权的: patented; proprietary放弃专利权: abandon a patent; abandon patent; wwabandonment of a patent专利的放弃: surrender of patent未获专利权的: unpatented专利权的侵犯: infringement of patent right专利权的取得: acquisition of a patent专利权的丧失: loss of a patent专利权的授权: grant of patent专利权的维持: renewal of licensed patents专利权的无效: invalidation of patent right专利权的终止: lapse of patent专利权人放弃专利权: disclaimer by patentee对某专利权的侵犯: infringement of a patent没有得到专利权的: unpatented没有获得专利权的: unpatented未获专利权的发明: unpatened inventions有专利权的技术: proprietary technique专利权的国际公约: international convention on patents专利权的获得者: patentee专利权的授予者: patentor专利权的授与者: patentorsubrogation代位求偿权的放弃: subrogation release waiver of