- invalidation
- 专利: patent
- 专利: patent 申请专利 apply for a patent; 实施专利 work one's patent; 制造、使用或销售专利产品 make, use or sell a patented product; 专利保障 patent protection; 专利标记 patent marking; 专利产品 patented product; 专利登记 patents registration; 专利法 patent law; 专利号 number of the patent; 专利技术 patent technology; 专利局 patent office; 专利品 proprietary material; patent; patent article; 专利申请 patent application; 专利使用费 fee for the exploitation of the patent; 专利事物所 patent agency; 专利协议 patent agreement;专利许可者 patentor; 专利许可证 patent licence; 专利证明 letter of patent; 专利证书[执照] patent certificate
- 专利,专利的,专利权: patent
- 专利,专利品: patent
- 专利证,专利: letters patent