

  • invalidation
  • 专利:    patent
  • 专利:    patent 申请专利 apply for a patent; 实施专利 work one's patent; 制造、使用或销售专利产品 make, use or sell a patented product; 专利保障 patent protection; 专利标记 patent marking; 专利产品 patented product; 专利登记 patents registration; 专利法 patent law; 专利号 number of the patent; 专利技术 patent technology; 专利局 patent office; 专利品 proprietary material; patent; patent article; 专利申请 patent application; 专利使用费 fee for the exploitation of the patent; 专利事物所 patent agency; 专利协议 patent agreement;专利许可者 patentor; 专利许可证 patent licence; 专利证明 letter of patent; 专利证书[执照] patent certificate
  • 专利,专利的,专利权:    patent
  • 专利,专利品:    patent
  • 专利证,专利:    letters patent


        专利:    patent
        专利:    patent 申请专利 apply for a patent; 实施专利 work one's patent; 制造、使用或销售专利产品 make, use or sell a patented product; 专利保障 patent protection; 专利标记 patent marking; 专利产品 patented product; 专利登记 patents registration; 专利法 patent law; 专利号 number of the patent; 专利技术 patent technology; 专利局 patent office; 专利品 proprietary material; patent; patent article; 专利申请 patent application; 专利使用费 fee for the exploitation of the patent; 专利事物所 patent agency; 专利协议 patent agreement;专利许可者 patentor; 专利许可证 patent licence; 专利证明 letter of patent; 专利证书[执照] patent certificate
        专利,专利的,专利权:    patent
        专利,专利品:    patent
        专利证,专利:    letters patent
        专利专利权:    patent
        小专利:    petty patent
        主专利:    main patent; prevention of unfair competitionprincipal patent
        专利池:    patent pool
        专利的:    patented; proprietary
        专利舵:    patent rudder
        专利法:    exclusive law; patent act; patent laws
        专利费:    patent expense; patent fee; patent royalty; patentfee
        专利号:    patent number
        专利件:    patent
        专利局:    patent bureau; patent office; patent right office; po
        专利蓝:    patent blue
        专利蓝a:    patent blue a
        专利锚:    patent anchor
        专利名:    us propr
        专利品:    monopoly; patented article; proprietary agent; proprietary articles; proprietary materials
        专利权:    patent right; patent; monopoly; subject of numerous patents 持有专利权 hold [own] a patent right; 专利权持有人 holder of the patent right; 专利权法 patent laws; 专利权管理局 patent office; 专利权合作条约 patent corporation treaty; 专利权立法 patent legislation; 专利权期限 duration of patent right; 专利权人 patentee; 专利权使用费 patent royalty; 专利权使用权协议 patent license agreement; 专利权使用(许可)协议 licensing agreements; 专利权所有人 patentee; 专利权转让 assignment of the patent right
        专利税:    royalty
        专利性:    patentability
        专利学:    patent science


  1. "专利局间情报检索国际合作巴黎联盟委员会"英文
  2. "专利局间信息检索国际合作委员会"英文
  3. "专利局审查决定书"英文
  4. "专利局通报"英文
  5. "专利局协会杂志"英文
  6. "专利课税"英文
  7. "专利控制"英文
  8. "专利蓝"英文
  9. "专利蓝a"英文
  10. "专利蓝an"英文


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