不: a block of wood采用: put to use; adopt; use; empl ...被告: defendant; the accused的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...陈述: state; declare; allege被告的陈述: accused's statement关于讼事事项的原告或被告的陈述: statement of claim or defence relating to the substance of the dispute不采用: unacceptable被告的抗辩声明, 答辩陈述: statement of defence被告的: defendant; respondent被告的被告: defendant保守的陈述: understatement疏忽的陈述: negligent statement数学的陈述: mathe-matical statement虚伪的陈述: fraudulent misrepresentation最初的陈述: deserve被告的答辩: accused's answer to charges被告的抗辩: accused's answer to charges被告的权利: right of the accused被告陈述: statement of the accused法庭外的陈述: out of court statement法院外的陈述: extrajudicial statement会员国的陈述: representation by member states绕圈子的陈述: periphrasis作简短的陈述: make a brief statement