不: a block of wood遵守: observe; abide by; comply wi ...交通规则: traffic rule; traffic regula ...随便: casual; random; informal穿越: pass through; cut across街道: street; road; way的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...遵守交通规则: follow/obey the traffic rules好国民应该遵守交通规则: cedil不守交通规则: jaywalker; jaywalking不守交通规则的行人: jade walker交通规则: traffic regulations; traffic rules随便穿: ease of care; easy care城市交通规则: urban transportation planning空中交通规则: air traffic regulations违反交通规则: break the traffic rules无视交通规则: ignore traffic regulations宣传交通规则: publicize traffic regulations注意交通规则: pay attention to traffic regulations不遵守礼仪的规则: break a rule of etiquette违反交通规则的人应该受到处罚: those who violate traffic regulations should be punished不遵守: beyond compliance; disobey; fail to observe; failure to comply with; inobservance; non compliance; nonobservance不遵守;不遵从: non-observance遵守交规: observe traffic regulations