

发音:   "不识相"的汉语解释   用"不识相"造句
  • [方言] (不知趣) impervious to an obvious situation; unable to see the fitness of things
  • :    a block of wood
  • 识相:    be sensible; be tactful
  • 识相:    [方言] be sensible; be tactful 他做得很识相。 that is very sensible of him
  • 不识:    fail to see; be ignorant of; not know; not appreciate
  • 知识相容性:    consistency of knowledge


        :    a block of wood
        识相:    be sensible; be tactful
        识相:    [方言] be sensible; be tactful 他做得很识相。 that is very sensible of him
        不识:    fail to see; be ignorant of; not know; not appreciate
        知识相容性:    consistency of knowledge
        不识别:    [数学] nonrecognition
        不识趣:    be insensible
        不识症:    [医学] (认识不能; 失认) agnosia
        争不识:    zheng bushi
        他做得很识相:    that is very sensible of him
        不识别信息:    unrecognized information
        不识大体:    ignore the general interest; fail to see the larger issues; not to understand the highest principles of propriety
        不识好歹:    not to know chalk from cheese; be gullible; cannot tell good from bad; not to know what is good for one
        不识时务:    be ignorant of the present state of affairs [of the trend]; behind the times; know nothing of the affairs of the day; lack proper understanding of the state of affairs; not to understand the concrete, actual conditions; show ignorance of the times
        不识世务:    not know the affairs of the world; inexperienced in society
        不识抬举:    not to know how to appreciate favors; be not worth bringing forward; fail to appreciate sb.'s kindness; have no sense to appreciate favors; not to appreciate favours; not to know what's good for one
        不识玄旨:    when the deemeaning of things is not understand
        不识一丁:    illiterate; completely illeterate; not to know a single word
        不识之无:    (连常用字都不识) not to know even the simplest characters -- illiterate; unable to read and write
        不识字的:    illiterate
        不识字的,文盲:    analphabète adj./n
        目不识丁:    not know a single word; not know b [a b] from a battledore; not know even the simplest characters; be unable to recognize a single written character; unable to tell one word from another; not know b from a bull's foot; ignorant of letters; not know one's abc; uncultured; unread
        目不识丁者:    analphabetic
        一字不识:    not to know a single [the simplest] character; be unable to recognize a single written character; cannot read or write; be completely illiterate
        不识字的,文盲的:    illiterate


        不识相的韩语:[동사] 분수를 모르다. 눈치코치도 없다. 철없이 놀다. 자신이 잘난 것으로 착각하다.
        不识相什么意思:不知趣, 不知好歹。    ▶ 叶文玲 《篱下》: “不识相, 早晚有你的好果子吃。”


  1. "不识庐山真真面目只缘身在此山中"英文
  2. "不识趣"英文
  3. "不识时务"英文
  4. "不识世务"英文
  5. "不识抬举"英文
  6. "不识玄旨"英文
  7. "不识一丁"英文
  8. "不识症"英文
  9. "不识之无"英文
  10. "不识字的"英文


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