

[ bùjiànjīngzhuàn ] 发音:   "不见经传"的汉语解释   用"不见经传"造句
  • not to be found in the classics -- not authoritative; not supported by historical fact; not to appear in historical records; unknown 短语和例子
  • 名不见经传:    be not a well-known figure; be a nobody; little known; one's name is unknown here
  • 不见经传的名字:    an inglorious name
  • 此人名不见经传:    he was not a well known figure
  • 经传:    1.(经典或古人的解释) confucian classics and commentaries on them; confucian canon2.(重要的古书) classical works; classics 名不见经传 not well-known; a mere nobody
  • 不见:    1.(不见面) haven't seen; haven't met; not see; not meet 好久不见。 haven't seen you for a long time. 这孩子一年不见, 长这么高了。 it's only a year since i last saw the child and he's grown so tall.2.(东西找不着) be missing; disappear


  1. They worship bigness yet idealize the little man .


        名不见经传:    be not a well-known figure; be a nobody; little known; one's name is unknown here
        不见经传的名字:    an inglorious name
        此人名不见经传:    he was not a well known figure
        经传:    1.(经典或古人的解释) confucian classics and commentaries on them; confucian canon2.(重要的古书) classical works; classics 名不见经传 not well-known; a mere nobody
        不见:    1.(不见面) haven't seen; haven't met; not see; not meet 好久不见。 haven't seen you for a long time. 这孩子一年不见, 长这么高了。 it's only a year since i last saw the child and he's grown so tall.2.(东西找不着) be missing; disappear
        循经传:    orderly transmission of the disease; orderly transmission on the disease
        越经传:    meridian-bypassing transmission; skip-over transmission through channels
        他有急事求见经理:    he asked to see the manager forsomething urgent
        财经传播:    financial communications
        六经传变:    six merdians transmission
        儒家经传:    confucian canon
        神经传播:    nerve propagation
        神经传导:    nerve conduction; nerve transmission
        神经传导器:    neuromittor
        神经传导素:    neurotransmitter
        神经传导物:    neurotransmitter
        神经传递:    nerve transmission; nervous transmission; neural transmission; neurotransmission
        神经传递素:    neurotransmitters
        神经传递体:    neurotransmitter
        神经传递质:    neurotransmitter
        神经传器:    neuromittor
        不见得:    not likely; not necessarily; may not; it is improbable that 不见得对 not necessarily correct; 不见得可能 hardly possible; 他今晚不见得会来。 he's not likely to come tonight
        不见的:    missing
        不见了:    disappear; be lost; be gone; be missing 我的书不见了。 my book's disappeared. 据说他的孩子不见了。 it is said that his child is lost
        不见精粗:    if you do not discriminate between coarse and fine
        不见光产色分支菌:    scotochromogen


        不见经传的法语:sans fondement non fondé à plaisir
        不见经传的日语:〈成〉古典的著作に載っていない.名もないことのたとえ. 名不见经传的劳动人民倒dào是真正的历史创造者/名もない労働大衆こそが本当の歴史の創造者なのだ.
        不见经传的韩语:【성어】 경전에 보이지 않다; (1)이론이 문헌상 근거가 없다. (2)유명하지 않다. 이름 없다.
        不见经传的俄语:pinyin:bùjiànjīngzhuàn не обнаруживаться в канонах и летописях (обр. в знач.: неизвестного происхождения)
        不见经传的印尼文:tanpa dasar; tidak beralasan;
        不见经传什么意思:bù jiàn jīng zhuàn 【解释】经传上没有记载。后常指人没有名声或论述没有根据。 【出处】宋·罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷六:“三字虽不见经传,却亦甚雅。” 【示例】我们住的小胡同,连轿车也进不来,一向~。(老舍《吐了一口气》) 【拼音码】bjjz 【灯谜面】转达 【用法】偏正式;作谓语;形容人或事物没有名气,不大为人所知 【英文】not to be found in the cl...


  1. "不见的小雅"英文
  2. "不见棺材不掉泪"英文
  3. "不见棺材不落泪"英文
  4. "不见光产色分支菌"英文
  5. "不见精粗"英文
  6. "不见经传的名字"英文
  7. "不见了"英文
  8. "不见了,而马拉"英文
  9. "不见世面"英文
  10. "不见世面的"英文


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