- non restraint
- nonrestraintt
- 不: a block of wood
- 约束: keep within bounds; restrain ...
- 不约而同: do or think the same without prior consulation; act in concert without previous arrangement; agree undesignedly; agree [fit] without precious consultation; an undesigned coincidence; be in agreement without prior discussion; do the same thing without previous arrangement; fall precisely together with; happen to coincide; simuitaneously; take the same action or view without prior consultation; tally by coincidence [chance; accident]; with one accord 她一讲完, 大家不约而同都鼓起掌来。 spontaneous applause broke out as soon as she finished speaking. 他俩不约而同地走出房间去享受那温暖的阳光。 of one accord, they went out of their room to enjoy the warmth of the sun. 他们都不约而同地提出了这个问题。 they all raised the question as if by prior agreement
- 不约而遇: meet sb. without previous arrangement
- 约束: keep within bounds; restrain; bind; bound; boundage;tie; restraint; restriction; engagement; repress; constraint 约束自己 restrain oneself; 约束自己的感情 restrain one's feelings; 自我约束 self-discipline; self-control; 不受传统观念的约束 bound by no traditional idea; 打破[摆脱]一切约束 throw [shake; break] all restraint; 在法律和道德的约束下 be bound by legal and moral ties; 他受到自己诺言的严格约束。 he was bound hand and foot by his promise.; 约束力 force of constraint