

发音:   用"不着边"造句
  • not to the point
  • :    a block of wood
  • 不着边际:    not to the point; (of a talk) empty and impracticable; entirely irrelevant in a roundabout way; far-fetched; far off the mark; irrelevant; neither here nor there; not touch the edge; off the point; totally beside the point; wide of the mark; : 不着边际的长篇大话 long rambling talk; 不着边际的话 irrelevant talks; 他越讲越不着边际。 the more he talked, the further he strayed from the point
  • 摸不着边:    unable to touch the gate -- cannot understand at all
  • 上下不着边:    touch neither the top nor the bottom feel
  • 说话不着边:    strayed from the point in one's speech senddispatch


  1. You don ' t know this town , that ' s why you talk nonsense
  2. He had become the precise opposite of the rambling scatter ? shooter i had met in his office
  3. Members of the cult have always been visionaries and rebels , even more so than other mages
  4. That ` s pretty silly . you should always carry some oil and water , especially out here in the middle of nowhere , now we are in some pretty big trouble
  5. B : that ` s pretty silly . you should always carry some oil and water , especially out here in the middle of nowhere , now we are in some pretty big trouble


        :    a block of wood
        不着边际:    not to the point; (of a talk) empty and impracticable; entirely irrelevant in a roundabout way; far-fetched; far off the mark; irrelevant; neither here nor there; not touch the edge; off the point; totally beside the point; wide of the mark; : 不着边际的长篇大话 long rambling talk; 不着边际的话 irrelevant talks; 他越讲越不着边际。 the more he talked, the further he strayed from the point
        摸不着边:    unable to touch the gate -- cannot understand at all
        上下不着边:    touch neither the top nor the bottom feel
        说话不着边:    strayed from the point in one's speech senddispatch
        不着边际的话:    irrelevant talks
        不着边际的空想:    a wild fancy
        不着边际的臆测:    a wild guess
        他越讲越不着边际:    the more he talked the further he strayed from the point
        不着边际的长篇大话:    long rambling talk
        每件事情似乎都够不着边:    when everything seems just out of reach
        着边:    margination
        沿着边:    alongside
        不着急,不着慌:    take ones time; takeone'stime
        沿着边缘:    edgeways
        不着地:    mile high
        不着慌:    take ones time; take one’s time
        不着火:    missing of ignition; nonignition
        不着急:    take ones time; take your time
        不着墨:    blind
        猜不着:    cannot guess; unable to reach [make out] (the right answer); miss one's guess 他使他的对手猜不着他下一步要干什么。 he keeps his opponents guessing what he would do next
        犯不着:    [口语] not worthwhile; it won't pay 在枝节问题上犯不着花这么多时间。 it isn't worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems
        够不着:    can't reach; beyond [out of; above] one's reach 她个子不够高, 够不着那些树枝。 she wasn't tall enough to reach those branches. 这书放得太高, 我够不着。 the book's too high -- i can't reach it
        管不着:    selina
        数不着:    not count as outstanding, important, etc.; not considered outstanding 论射击技术, 在我们连里可数不着我。 as far as marksmanship is concerned, i don't place in my company


  1. "不准装的货物"英文
  2. "不准装货物"英文
  3. "不准左转"英文
  4. "不准左转;请勿左转"英文
  5. "不准左转弯"英文
  6. "不着边际"英文
  7. "不着边际的长篇大话"英文
  8. "不着边际的话"英文
  9. "不着边际的空想"英文
  10. "不着边际的臆测"英文


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