

  • save one's pains
  • :    a block of wood
  • :    overflow; flood; inundate
  • :    fee; expense; expenditure; d ...
  • 气力:    effort; energy; physical str ...
  • 白费气力:    waste one's effort on; draw water with a sieve; pour water into a sieve; catch at shadows; plough the sands; go on a wild goose chase; beat the air


        :    a block of wood
        :    overflow; flood; inundate
        :    fee; expense; expenditure; d ...
        气力:    effort; energy; physical str ...
        白费气力:    waste one's effort on; draw water with a sieve; pour water into a sieve; catch at shadows; plough the sands; go on a wild goose chase; beat the air
        白费气力, 徒劳:    to beat the air
        气力:    effort; energy; physical strength 费很大气力 exert great efforts; 用尽气力 with all one's energy; 这事不需花多大气力。 it doesn't need much effort. 不花气力什么也得不到。 nothing can be obtained without effort. 我的气力没有白费。my efforts were not in vain. 双方摔跤运动员都使出了全身气力想把对手摔倒。 both of the wrestlers tried to tumble the adversary with all their strength
        空气力:    airforce
        没气力:    flaccidity
        气力泵:    air-powered pump; pneumatic pump
        气力锤:    pneunatic power hammer
        气力的:    pneumatic
        气力夹:    air clamp
        气力锯:    pneumatic saw
        气力凿:    pneumatic chipper
        气力闸:    pneumatic brake
        无气力:    flabbiness; frigidity; pusillanimity; remissness; tameness
        吸气力:    inspiratory force
        既不滥用也不误用参考书:    neither overuse nor misuse the reference books
        吸管这种蚊香不滥杀无辜:    femalemosquitoo
        吃奶的气力:    the biggest effort; the last strength 使尽吃奶的气力 strain every muscle
        电气力学:    electrodynamics
        费很大气力:    exert great efforts
        呼气力量:    expiratory force
        空气力学:    aero mechanics; aerodynamics; aeromechanics; air mechanics; airflow mechanics; airmechanics


  1. "不来梅专业大学"英文
  2. "不来往"英文
  3. "不赖"英文
  4. "不烂油"英文
  5. "不烂之舌"英文
  6. "不郎不秀"英文
  7. "不浪费"英文
  8. "不劳动的"英文
  9. "不劳动者不得食"英文
  10. "不劳而不获"英文


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