

  • coming soon
  • 不日:    within the next few days; so ...
  • 上映:    show; screen; be on; run
  • 本片即日上映:    the film will be showm within a few days
  • 不日:    (不多天; 不久) within the next few days; soon; in a few days 那艘货船不日即可抵港。 the cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days
  • 日上:    higami; hikami


        不日:    within the next few days; so ...
        上映:    show; screen; be on; run
        本片即日上映:    the film will be showm within a few days
        不日:    (不多天; 不久) within the next few days; soon; in a few days 那艘货船不日即可抵港。 the cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days
        日上:    higami; hikami
        上映:    show (a film); screen; be on; run 这部影片已上映五天。 the film has run for five days
        上映中:    on view
        不日成名:    almost famous
        不日杀机:    die another day
        不日压的:    nonpresssurized
        新金之不日:    die another day
        日上三竿:    the sun is three poles high.; it's late in the morning.; the sun has risen three poles high -- it is already late in the morning.; the sun is riding high.; the sun was high in the sky
        蒸蒸日上:    be on the upgrade; be in the ascendant; be prospering with each passing day; be growing steadily; become more prosperous every day; ever more flourishing; greater and greater prosperity; in daily progress; make rapid progress daily; (production) is on the upswing.; prosper day by day; rapid progress [development]; thriving; thrive with each passing day; vigorous and fast developing
        蒸蒸蒸日上:    find us farther than to-day
        初次上映:    first performance
        二轮上映:    second run
        年上映电影:    movies showing in
        上映短剧:    put on a short play
        上映目录:    repertoire
        上映时间:    us theater release date
        银幕上映率:    quota
        影片的上映:    exhibition of a film
        影片上映:    exhibition of films
        再度上映:    re run
        展览着, 上映着:    on view


  1. "不妊娠"英文
  2. "不妊学会"英文
  3. "不日"英文
  4. "不日成名"英文
  5. "不日杀机"英文
  6. "不日压的"英文
  7. "不荣誉的"英文
  8. "不融和的"英文
  9. "不融合"英文
  10. "不融通物"英文


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