不: a block of wood收缩: contract; shrink水泥: cement; -lith膨胀性无收缩水泥: expanding and noncontracting cement收缩,缩水: contraction收缩水: ld-x01; rinse&tone; shrinkage water; shrinkagewater不收缩薄浆: non-shrinkage grout不收缩的: non-shrinking; unshrinkable; unshrinking不收缩钢: unshrinkable steel不收缩文法: noncontracting grammar收缩水流: contracting current不收缩混凝土: non-shrinking concrete; shrinkage compe ating concrete; shrinkage compensating concrete心搏停止(心脏不收缩): aststole水泥浆收缩: paste shrinkage水泥收缩规: cement contraction gauge不收缩的老鼠杰瑞在: the unshrinkable jerry mouse收缩补偿水泥: shrinkage compensate cement缩水: shrink 毛织物一洗要缩水。 wollen fabrics shrink in the wash. 要留多少缩水长度? how much must we allow for the shrink? 这布不缩水。 this cloth will not shrink in the wash.; 缩水率 shrinkage康尼芬无酒精收缩水: clarifiance alcohol-free natural astringent水泥浆体积收缩: volume contraction不收费: at no charge; free of charge; undercharging秋不收: the wealth of the mind is the only wealth不缩水: shrinkproof; shrink-resistant sanforized shrunk; shrunk浓缩水: concentrated water缩水板: shrinkage gauge template