不慌不忙地: unhurriedly不慌不忙;慢吞吞: take one's time不慌不忙地做: take one's time doing慢慢来;不慌不忙: take one's time不慌不忙;沉着冷静: get it (all) together不慌不忙地向前走去: i composed myself then walked on unhurriedly我定了定神不慌不忙地向前走去: collect one's thoughts不忙: there's no hurry; take one's time 这件事你先去调查一下, 不忙表态。 don't be in a hurry to say what you think about this. first find out the facts不慌张: unflappability慌不择路: he fled in any path he could without heeding which he chose惊慌不安: be panic-stricken; jittery; nervy不急不忙: take one’s time不慌忙的: deliberate; unhurried不慌忙地: unhurriedly不慌张的: unflappable不慌张地: unfla ably; unflappably不着急,不慌忙: one’s time; take one´s time; tske one's time不急不忙,从容进行: take ones time; take time我今天早上不忙: i was not busy this morning最不忙选择对象: lba least busy alternative从容不慌办事顺畅: fair and softly to far in a day不忙, 不必着急, 有充裕的时间: no hurry他心里有底一点不慌: he was not at all nervous for he knew what to expect不患寡而患不均: inequality rather than want is the cause of trouble不换羽期: anecdysis不换性齿系: monophyodont
不慌不忙的日语:慌てず騒がず.落ち着いてゆっくりと. 他做什么事都不慌不忙/あの人は何をするにしても慌てたり急いだりしない. 不慌不忙地拿起耳机ěrjī/ゆっくりと受話器を取り上げる.不慌不忙的韩语:【성어】 침착하다. 당황하지 않고 서두르지 않다. 느긋하다. 他真是有修养, 什么时候也是不慌不忙的; 그는 참으로 수양 있는 사람이다. 언제나 당황하지 않고 침착하다不慌不忙的俄语:[bùhuāng bùmáng] обр. неторопливо, не спеша不慌不忙什么意思:bù huāng bù máng 【解释】慌:急遽忙乱。不慌张,不忙乱,从容不迫 【出处】明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》第25卷:“只见翠翘不慌不忙地答道。” 【示例】巴金《军长的心》一:“司机同志~地在黑暗中开车前进。” 【拼音码】bhbm 【灯谜面】三天卖两条黄瓜 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容说话或行动从容不迫 【英文】have/keep a level/a cool head ...