不平: uneven; not level; not smoot ...顺: in the same direction as; wi ...性: nature; character; dispositi ...噪声、振动及不平顺性设计: nvh engineering接合平顺性: smoothness of pick-u(engagement); work of slipping行驶平顺性: rideperformance; ridingcomfort振动与平顺性: nvh noise vibration and harshness轨道不平顺: track irregularity静态不平顺: static track irregularity屈曲,不平顺: crooked汽车的行驶平顺性: ride of vehicle汽车行驶平顺性: vehicle running smoothness噪声,振动与平顺性: nvh noise, vibration, and harshness行驶平顺性自动控制: automatic ride control捆边扭曲不平顺: piping is twisting and not smooth领及前领咀不平顺: fullness at front collar and lapel领子装得不平顺: neck setting not smooth领座扭曲不平顺: collar band is twisting顺性: compliance凌志牌汽车行驶平顺性控制: lrc汽车平顺性单脉冲输入行驶试验: automobile ride single pulse input running test汽车平顺性脉冲输入行驶试验方法: method of pulse input running testautomobile ridecomfortrt汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验: automobile ride random input running test汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验方法: method of random input running test-automotive ride comfort平顺: smooth-going; plain sailing