- will not spare a glance for; be not pleasing to look at; beneath contempt; beneath one's notice; cock [make; cut] a snook at; do not even glance at; not troubling to look at; not worth a single glance; not worthy of serious consideration; regard as beneath one's notice; (even) to refuse to give a glance; shrug sth. off; snap one's fingers at; turn one's nose up at 短语和例子
对这一问题他们都认为不屑一顾。 they regard the problem as not worthy of serious consideration
- 被人不屑一顾: be beneath sb.'s notice
- 对这一问题他们都认为不屑一顾: they regard the problem as not worthy of serious consideration
- 他对这种假惺惺的谄谀不屑一顾: he is above the insincere flattery
- 对……耸肩表示不屑一理: shrug off
- 不屑: (认为不值得, 不顾意做; 不理会) disdain to do sth.; think sth. not worth doing; do not condescend [deign] to do sth.; scorn; feel it beneath one's dignity to do sth.: 不屑教诲 disdain to give instruction; 不屑为伍 would not stoop to associate with; 不屑为友 feel shame to be friends with; 不屑置辩 distain to argue; 不屑置答 distain to reply; 不屑隐瞒自己的观点 disdain to conceal one's views