

[ bùduì ] 发音:   "不对"的汉语解释   用"不对"造句
  • 1.(错误) incorrect; wrong 短语和例子
    2.(不正常) amiss; abnormal; queer; odd; unhealthy 短语和例子
    3.(单用,表示否定对方的话) 短语和例子
    4.(不和睦) inharmonious


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. I fear it was wrong, though expedient .
  2. In any event the asymmetry is clear enough .
  3. It is wrong of your boss to suggest it .
  4. A wrong approach means a waste of effort .
  5. It does show that such opinion is not correct ...


        它不对,不对等:    its not right, its so wrong
        不对,错了:    unrecht haben
        不对衬:    skewness
        不对称:    asymmetric(al); unsymmetric(al); dissymmetric(al)
        不对的:    false; incorrect; wrong
        不对格:    checks not match
        不对间:    unmatched stripes
        不对劲:    not in harmony; feeling not at par; listless 她做针线活时感到很不对劲。 she feel very awkward with a needle
        不对题:    impertinence irrelevance; impertinence; irrelevance
        不对条:    stripes not match; stripes/checks not matching
        不对头:    go wrong
        不对中:    malalignment; misalignment
        不对准:    (不同轴性) malalign(e)ment; misalignment
        对不对:    is it right; isitright
        你不对:    you are wrong.; the fault is yours.; you are at fault.; it's your error.; you are incorrect.; you are erroneous.; you are mistaken.; you have got it wrong.; it's your fault
        这不对:    this must be wrong
        不对,但可以:    it’s not right but it’s okay
        不对比的:    noncontrastive
        不对碴儿:    [口语] (不妥当; 跟当时的情况不符合) not proper; not fit for the occasion 他觉得自己说的话不对碴儿, 就停住了。 he found what he was saying was not proper for the occasion and he stopped short
        不对称pcr:    asymmetric pcr
        不对称;不齐:    asymmetry
        不对称安定:    asymmetric stability
        不对称背斜:    asymmetric anticline; asymmetrical anticline
        不对称边带:    asymmetric sideband; asymmetrical sideband
        不兑现纸币本位:    fiat standard; inconvertible paper standard
        不兑现纸币:    fiat money; inconvertible paper currency; inconvertible paper money; irredeemable bank-note


        不对的法语:形 incorrect;erroné;faux这样做~.c'est mal d'agir ainsi. 副 non~,我可没那么说.non,je n'ai jamais dit ça.
        不对的日语:(1)尋常でない.変である. 今天会议的气氛qìfēn有点儿不对/きょうの会議の雰囲気はなんだか変だ. (2)仲が悪い.しっくりしない.気が合わない. 他们俩素来不对/あの二人は平素から仲が悪い.
        不对的韩语:[형용사] (1)심상치 않다. 정상이 아니다. 她一进门, 我就看出来神色有点儿不对; 그녀가 문을 들어서자마자, 나는 그녀의 얼굴빛이 좀 심상치 않음을 알아냈다 (2)사이가 나쁘다. 他们两人不对; 그들 두 사람은 화목하지 않다 =[不对头] (3)(bù duì) 정확하지 않다. 틀리다. 对不对? 맞느냐 안 맞느냐? 这样做不对; 이렇게 하는 것은 틀렸...
        不对的俄语:[bùduì] 1) неверно, неправильно; неправ 2) не в ладах
        不对的阿拉伯语:خطأ; خَطَأ;
        不对的印尼文:keliru; salah;
        不对什么意思:bùduì 不正确;错误:数目~ㄧ他没有什么~的地方。 ◆ 不对 bùduì ①不正常:那人神色有点儿~ㄧ一听口气~,连忙退了出来。 ②不和睦;合不来:他们俩素来~。


  1. "不兑现通知"英文
  2. "不兑现银行券"英文
  3. "不兑现支票"英文
  4. "不兑现纸币"英文
  5. "不兑现纸币本位"英文
  6. "不对,错了"英文
  7. "不对,但可以"英文
  8. "不对比的"英文
  9. "不对碴儿"英文
  10. "不对衬"英文


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