Both the market and the government are imperfect from the perspective of resource allocation efficiency , i . e . out - of - work may exist in both cases 摘要从资源配置效率的角度看,市场和政府都具有不完善性,即存在市场失灵和政府失灵。
To the whole economy , the finance plays an important role . because of the compliment and the stability , the financial supervision becomes necessary 一国经济活动中,金融业起着重要作用,出于市场的不完善性以及金融体系自身的脆弱性,金融监管便显得尤为必要。
Traditional evaluating method regarding finance ratio as center excessively entrust with the accountancy information , and this imperfection derive from the accountancy behavior 传统的以财务比率为中心的绩效评价方法过分倚重和局限于会计信息,这种不完善性产生的本质原因源自公司的会计行为。
During the analysis , i quoted the model of risk index , which is able to reflect the degree of credit risk , interest risk and liquidity risk of bank in full view only by using the index of roa and em with simple statistics 本文针对把信贷、利率、流动性等主要风险单独进行分析所存在的不完善性,以及操作中多数评定风险模型存在数据收集困难的问题,引入一个能综合反映信贷风险、利率风险、流动性风险的风险指数模型。